Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS

Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS
Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS, W/C, 21" x 29" (copyright executor: Pam Della)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tranquillity in Blue

This painting was done en plein air over a number of early December mornings.  The view was so gorgeous and peaceful and amazing that the painting almost painted itself.  15 x 28.5

Blackbird Ballad

Pam and I painted in the East Bay wetlands.  She faced one direction, and I faced another.  There were at times 10-20 blackbirds resting in the reeds.  They almost looked like notes on a sheet of music.  This painting was recently sold through the Valley Art Gallery.  10 x 14

Thursday, January 17, 2013



The Jade Fon Painters are having a new exhibit of their paintings and artwork at the Orinda Library Gallery February 2-28.  The artists, many of whom have been painting together for twenty nine years since studying under Fon, enjoy painting weekly on location throughout the Bay Area.

The exhibit will include a retrospective tribute acknowledging the influence, teaching and guidance by Jade Fon, and will include some of his paintings, sketches, art materials, quotes and personal mementos.

Both long-time and more recent members of the Jade Fon Painters are participating in the show with artwork in various media. The twelve artists exhibiting are: Becky Davies, Pam Della, Carol Jurasin, Jeanne Kapp, Geri Keary, Julie Limberg, Paul Majka, Catherine McCargar, Nancy Partovi, Dori Sassin, Charlotte Severin and Larry Wilson. Please join them at a RECEPTION at the Orinda Library Gallery, 124 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA, Sunday, February 10 from 2:30-4:30 PM. Admission is free.

Library hours: Mon-Thu, 10AM-8 PM;  Fri-Sat, 10AM-6PM;  Sun, 1-5 PM.