Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS

Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS
Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS, W/C, 21" x 29" (copyright executor: Pam Della)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tranquillity in Blue

This painting was done en plein air over a number of early December mornings.  The view was so gorgeous and peaceful and amazing that the painting almost painted itself.  15 x 28.5

Blackbird Ballad

Pam and I painted in the East Bay wetlands.  She faced one direction, and I faced another.  There were at times 10-20 blackbirds resting in the reeds.  They almost looked like notes on a sheet of music.  This painting was recently sold through the Valley Art Gallery.  10 x 14