Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS

Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS
Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS, W/C, 21" x 29" (copyright executor: Pam Della)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Plein Air Painter by Catherine McCargar

Transparent watercolor 10" x 14"

Plein air painters work with great anticipation to find just the right spot to set up for a painting. Here Bruce Ruark climbs a vineyard hill at Bent Creek Winery in Livermore, CA, enjoying the light, enjoying the challenge that awaits him when he gets out that big sheet of 300lb paper.

1 comment:

  1. Catherine, this is one of my favorite paintings of yours. You really get a sense of what it feels like to start painting en plein air early in the morning.
