Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS

Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS
Pine and Canada Goose by Jade Fon, AWS, W/C, 21" x 29" (copyright executor: Pam Della)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mid-Morning Break by Catherine McCargar

transparent watercolor 12" x 15"
We came upon quite a herd of cows the first day we painted out at Old Lakeville Road, #1. My plein air effort was a study for this finished painting done later in the studio. The closeness of the cows to the road, and the sheer number of them was breathtaking, and it was a great "photo op" for bovine reference material.


  1. You really captured the essence and feel of our first meeting with these gorgeous cows. Great job.

    1. Thanks, Nancy, this painting is on display currently at Gallery Concord.
